It has a unique design and has a capacity of 1.7 litres. Realizzato in vetro borosilicato and alto caldo d. Most of the time, all of them are clean and fresh, without smelling or smelling. Elevate the resistance of all the corrosione and complete private information with the same content and all that is left behind. The LED light shows the illumination when the light is in the function and there is a second temperature at the back of the screen.
2in1: bollitore ed etere a. Include filter to remove, realizzato in acciaio inox and adatto sia for larger fog that perfusi a grana fine. There is a lot of noise with increased speed at a facility used and pulizia. Beccuccio a tenuta stagna che consente di versa senza versa gocce
2200 watts of power with rapid lighting. È in grado di portare l'acqua a bollizione at brevissimo tempo. Include anti-scratch filters that remove and remove lavabile from the affected area.
Base base girevole a 360° che consente l'uso sia destrorsi che mancini. Senza café. Contenitore with station base separata che consente di postare la caraffa dove vuoi. The system is efficient: the system is connected to the valve with resistance to the environment and integration at the base of the content.
Impugnatura ergonomica cool touch in un utilizzo più comodo and sicuro Include a livello dell'acqua indicatore. Doppio sistema di protezione, spegnimento automatico contro il funzionamento a secco e contro il riscaldamento. Base antiscivolo with comportamento del cavo
Description Product
ThermoSense 370 Clear
This is very good and I feel uncomfortable and distracted.
There is a large capacity of 8 oz
Preparate a different temperature in the cucina. Scopri the bollitore elettrico ThermoSense 350 Clear and goditi the thing that is in the area. 2200 W of potenza and a capacity of 1.7 liters so that it is sufficient to fill in an 8-ounce bottle of 200 ml. It is very efficient to supply energy and use it. Use the riscaldare the acqua for when you eat the rice, pasta, drink it and puree it.
2 in 1: bollitore and teiera
It should be noted that it is not necessary to use it. Preparate the bulletin board. Include a filter that removes the dirt from your home. Serviteli direttamente and risparmiate ogni giorno. I will add this to you. Puoi aggiungere sia lie grandi che infusi a grana fine.
Realizzato in vetro borosilicato
It is projected with vetro borosilicate of alta quality for my più esigenti. You may be on your way to the Internet at this moment and you will get better results. The veterinary neutro is perfect for the preparation of this cigarette, even though it does not smell bad or clean and contains BPA and other toxins. The LED light is on at the moment when it stops.
2200 W at a rapid speed
Riscaldare the acqua is not è its location is conveniente. More rapid power comes with 2200 W power. In some minutes and at the same time the next day comes when the next day comes.
Massima sicurezza
Usalo nel modo sicuro. This system protects against the security of the security system and the security system does not pre-occupy the null. If the acqua is in a cold environment, it will be automatic. Sarai sorpreso di quanto sia facile da pulire. The anti-corrosion filter can be removed, so it can be used later on and then it can be removed in a second place.
Maggiore comfort
And the comfort of mass. This allows the control to live in the acqua at the same time when the finer screen is connected to an indicator. Non verse una goccia sul piano di lavoro with il suo beccuccio antigoccia. This is why my semper ti un uso sicuro, ha una maniglia cool-touch.