The Smeg dcf02 drip Coffee machine is the latest innovation in their unique brand of retro home appliances. This machine comes complete with an array of functions and features aiming to satisfy a wide variety of consumers and Coffee drinkers.
it includes some useful upgrades from the original model, dcf01. One of the biggest upgrades this new model features is the extended “keep warm” function, which now keeps your Coffee warm for up to 60 minutes after brewing; upgraded from the previous model that was only able to keep warm for 20 minutes. Additionally, this newer model also has the following updates: an option to turn any of the sounds on or off, an improved lid for easy opening, and the clock can now be switched from a 12 to 24 hour clock based on user preference.
aside from these new features, the dcf02 still carries with it all of the customizable functions of the previous model such as the unique “aroma intensity,” Option which allows the user to cater to their own personal preference of Coffee scents, varying between light and intense, and also the adjustable water hardness feature to allow the user to adjust based on their palate, both of which create a very personal feel.
even though the look of this machine resembles something out of the 50’s, the dcf02 has all the staples and functions that you could want from a modern Coffee maker. It comes equipped with an auto-start mode so that your Coffee can be ready and waiting for you before you head off to work in the morning, a de-scaling alarm light indicator to help you keep your machine clean and working properly, and a nifty 4-cup brewing option to save you from wasting time and Coffee when you don't need a full 10 Cups. It also includes a digital LED display/clock with a simple, user friendly control panel, a reusable coffee filter, a tank water level indicator, and an anti-drip system to keep your Coffee in the pot and not on your counter.