Q: How can i Track my order?
Once you complete the purchase process through website, our warehouse team will prepare the order and once it’s ready for dispatch , you will be notified by sending the number of your shipment via a text message containing the shipping company data with a tracking link. Simply click on the link and track your order. If your order is over 350 SR delivery is FREE, below this amount there is a 29 SR delivery charge
Q: why is my order delayed ?
Sometimes there may be a delay in completing the order delivery process on time due to circumstances that may be beyond our control, As there is Some of the products on our website are imported from outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which requires some time to prepare and ship them to Saudi Arabia, and then ship and deliver them to the customer.
we are working seriously and quickly to ensure that all orders deliveries are completed on time, If your order is not delivered within 3-7 working days, please contact our customer service directly to check the order
Why is my order delivered in multiple shipments?
When your order contains products from different sellers, it will be delivered to you in multiple shipments, depending on the delivery date of the product from each seller.
We may not be able to collect all the products ordered from each seller on the same day, because we have many sellers in different areas, so we deliver the products separately when we receive them from the sellers.
Don't worry! Your products will be delivered to you safely!
Q: How do I cancel my order ?
you can Cancel your order through My Account or please contact our Please Contat Customer Service Team via Contact Form
Q: How long will my refund take if I pay for my order with a card or cash on delivery?
After we receive the shipment from the shipping company, we will check it and then return the amount to the card that you used. If you used Mada card, the refund sometimes get rejected from the bank and we will contact you and do your refund via bank transfer. If you pay the value of the shipment in cash, we will transfer the amount to your bank account entered during the completion of the return request. The refund process takes place within 10-14 working days.